Friday, 6 April 2018

Mark 2 years anniversary of pumping

Today mark the second year of breastfeeding for me. I am so pleased that I still can get this amount of yield after 5-6 hours apart. Nowadays I pump between 11-12 and 6-7.
I will dl her at around 9pm and 5am. Weekend will be feed on demand.
It is my pleasure to breastfeed her because it creates a strong bonding between her and me.
Pumpables is a great pump that I have ever used. I have used Medela PISA, Spectra M1 and Pumpables. This is the most silent pump and has a strong suction that I just need to spend around 10-15 mins to clear my whole breast.
In order to make sure that I give a nutrition milk for her, besides healthy diet, I also take Atomy supplements:
1) Probiotics 益生菌 in the morning after breakfast
2) Eye lutein 叶黄素 which take care of our eyes at around 11am
3) Vitamin C 维他命 C in the afternoon after lunch
4) Calcium 钙片 mid noon
5) Promegranate 红石榴 in during tea time.